Monday, 27 June 2016

Tamarind - Benefits

Here, we are gonna discuss the composition of Tamarind, health benefits and nutrition benefits.

Tamarind is a spice condiment with sweet and sour taste, we use it in the cooking very often.

Tamarind is native to tropical Africa. It is extensively cultivated in the tropical areas of the world.

Tamarind is rich in tartaric acid, Sugar, Vitamin - B and calcium. Each Tamarind Tree produces abundant fruit pods in the color of brown with seeds inside.

 Health Benefits of Tamarind:

a) Ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body
b) Improve eye health
c) Boost respiratory health
d) Pulp of tamarind acts as an laxative and ease the bowel movements
e) Helps in the production of red blood cells
f) Help in the problem of Bile
g) Essential for bone health
h) Used as Anti-oxidant
i) Can be used as an antiseptic

Tamarind can also be used in the cleaning of house hold items that are made of brass, copper.

Beauty Benefits of Tamarind:

a) Face Pack: Soak tamarind in water for few minutes. Extract the pulp in a separate bowl. Take 1 teaspoon of the extracted pulp and mix with the turmeric powder. Make a paste. Apply on the Face. Leave it to dry. Wash the face with warm water.Repeat this pack for three times a week to get the fair results.

b) Face Scrub: Tamarind helps in removing the dead skin cells and impurities from the skin. Mix the tamarind pulp with the sea salt (equal proportion). Add milk cream (dry skin) or  curd (Oily skin) according to the skin condition. Make into a paste and apply over the face. Then wash the face by rubbing in circular motion.

c) Instant Glow: Mix 1 table spoon of Tamarind pulp, Gram flour, honey in a bowl and form as a paste. Then apply on the face. Let it dry and wash it with the warm water.

d) Tamarind Oil, now in shops can be used to improve the skin quality

e) Face wash: Tamarind water can be used as the face wash.

Side Effects of Tamarind:

a) Tamarind is not advisable to be taken along with Medications
b) Regular usage of large level of tamarind will lead to fall in serum glucose level
c) May cause allergic reactions like rashes, itching
d) If any other laxative product is used, skip tamarind

Thank you for Reading!!!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Garlic - Benefits

Garlic is known for its pungent flavor and so used in seasoning for Food.

Composition of Garlic :

Garlic contains atleast 33 sulfur components like aliin, allicin and others. Garlic also has 17 amino acids. The sulfur components are responsible for the pungent smell of the Garlic. The compound allicin has antimicrobial effects against viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.  The component allicin, is available in Garlic only when it is crushed or cut. 

Health Benefits (Daily intake of Garlic):

  • Reduces the chance of getting cold
  • Acts as a blood purifier
  • To lower blood cholesterol level, thus preventing chances of heart disease
  • To gain immunity against cancer
  • Can detoxify heavy metals 
  • Powerful Anti-biotic
  • Increases insulin level in blood, and helps the diabetic to keep in check
  • Help in relieving Toothache
  • Assist babies to gain weight in the womb'

Beauty Benefits:

  • Garlic Oil for the treatment of hair loss
  •  To cure pimples ( Garlic juice + White vinegar)
  • Anti-aging (Garlic face mask)
  • Cure stretch marks ( Boil oil with pods of Garlic, use the oil regularly for good results)
  • Fights Dandruff
  • Removes Blackheads ( Rub Garlic on the infected area)
  • Soft & shiny hair
  • Skin Glows(on daily consumption of garlic)
 Garlic thus a wonderful food that needs to be taken regularly in our diet.

Thank You!!!